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Current Needs

Current Needs


  1. Assistant Membership Chair – This person will work very closely with the chair of the membership committee and serve as a deputy in their absence.

  2. Communications Chair- This person will ensure that the information on the website is current. The chair of their designee(s) will be responsible for ensuring social media is updated, and newsletters are emailed in a timely fashion.

  3. Assistant Corporate Outreach Chair- This person will work closely with the chair to develop relations with businesses throughout Southern California.

  4. Historian – This person will work on cataloging the next two years of the Chapter in a meaningful way that can be preserved for the future. Additionally, they will pull together and build on the history and storyline for the Chapter.

  5. Rattler Business Directory – We need a lead organizer and chairperson for this special initiative. We would like to build a small database of Black-owned businesses in the Southern California area led by Rattlers.

  6. Organizational Specialist – We have several spreadsheets and databases that need to be merged and analyzed. As well as we need someone to ensure that there are redundancies to access all information needed to successfully operate the chapter, i.e. listservs, accounts by which we receive payment, and important documentation.

  7. Technical Writer – Throughout the year, there’s a need to draft many memos, letters, and detailed reports. It would be great to have someone to work closely with these initiatives to lay the foundation.

Join today and encourage other Rattlers to do the same!!

The membership fiscal year runs from July 1 - June 30.

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