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Support Us

Together, we strike with love, compassion, and the unwavering spirit of our beloved FAMU.

Rattlers take great pride in upholding the legacy and spirit of our alma mater, and through our efforts, we aim to support recruitment, scholarship, and service initiatives that embody the core values of FAMU.


Through Recruitment:

We are dedicated to attracting talented individuals who are ready to join the FAMU community and make a lasting impact. Through our extensive network and engaging events, we actively reach out to prospective students in Southern California, sharing the unique opportunities and rich history of FAMU, inspiring future Rattlers to embrace our values of compassion, inclusivity, and academic excellence. 


Through Scholarship:

We believe that financial barriers should never hinder a student's ability to pursue their dreams. That's why we are committed to providing scholarships and financial assistance to deserving students from our community. Our scholarship programs recognize and reward academic achievements, making education accessible to those who need it most. By investing in our future leaders, we carry forward the tradition of excellence that defines the Rattler experience. Join us in supporting our scholarship initiatives and help us create opportunities for deserving students to thrive.


Through Service:

We are driven by our commitment to making a positive impact in the community. Our various service initiatives embody the essence of the College of Love and Charity, as we continue to spread goodwill, compassion, and support. From organizing impactful volunteer events and partnering with local nonprofits to mentoring aspiring students, representing the true spirit of FAMUly. Our dedication to service extends beyond the classroom, reflecting our belief in the transformative power of selflessness and empathy.


Join us in our commitment to service and be a part of a community that values compassion, unity, and social responsibility.

Join us in supporting our scholarship initiatives and help us create opportunities for deserving students to thrive.

Together, we strike with love, compassion, and the unwavering spirit of our beloved FAMU.

By supporting chapter and embracing the Rattler pride, you become an integral part of our mission to uplift, empower, and create a better future.


[Success Stories/Testimonials Section]


Explore the stories and testimonials from our Rattlers who have experienced the transformative power of FAMU SoCal's recruitment, scholarship, and service initiatives:


[Insert success story/testimonial 1]

[Insert success story/testimonial 2]

[Insert success story/testimonial 3]


[Engaging Visuals]


visuals that capture the essence of the Rattler experience. From cheering at football games to engaging in community service, our images and videos showcase the spirit of alumni chapter.


[Include relevant images and videos]




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Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:


In Person

500 Terry Francois Street
San Francisco, CA 94158

Donate Now

Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 123-456-7890

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